my Father: Create in me a heart that hungers for Your will alone-- a heart
to accept Your will, to be whatever You want me to be, to do whatever You
want me to do.
When You chose to create this world, You
knew the blueprint and design of my life; the moment of conception, the
hour of my death. You knew what gifts I would have and those that I would
be without. These choices are all a part of Your will for me. I will try
lovingly to build an edifice of love and praise with these materials which
You have given me. What I will become is my gift to You.
As to the future, I ask for the grace to
sign a blank check and trustfully put it into Your hands, for You to fill
in all the amounts: the length of my life, the amounts of success and failure,
the experiences of pleasure and pain. I would tremble to do this except
for one thing: I KNOW YOU LOVE ME. And of course, You know much better
than I what will truly and lastingly make me happy.
In response to Your will, I want my life
to be an act of love. Wherever there is a choice, help me to ask only this:
What is the loving thing to do, to say, to be? To make the decisions that
love must, I seek and need Your enlightenment. Touch my eyes with Your
gentle and healing hands that I might find my way along the winding course
of love. Strengthen my will and direct my feet to follow that course always.
Finally my Lord and my God, let me be faithful
in my commitment and dedication to Your will. Let faithfulness be the summary
of my days. Let the inscription on my tombstone read: PIETA.