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Forms of Solitary Prayer

Centering prayer is a very simple, pure form of prayer, frequently without words; it is an opening of our hearts, to the Spirit dwelling within us.

  In centering prayer, we spiral down into the deepest center of ourselves.  It is the point of stillness within us where we most experience being created by a loving God who is breathing us into life.  To enter into centering prayer requires a recognition of our dependency on God and a surrender to His Spirit of love.
“…the Spirit too comes to help us in our weakness…the Spirit expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words…” (Rm. 8:26)

METHOD:  “Pause a while and know that I am God.”

+  Sit quietly, be comfortable and relaxed.

+  Rest within your longing and desire for God. 

+  Move to the center within your deepest self.  This movement can be facilitated by imagining yourself slowly descending in an elevator, or walking down flights of stairs, or descending a mountain, or going down into the water, as in a deep pool.

+  In the stillness, become aware of God’s presence; peacefully absorb His love.



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